Nyhetsbrev og nettmagasiner / Newsletters and e-zines

Japans ambassade i Norge og Det japanske utenriksdepartementet utgir flere nyhetsbrev og nettmagasiner. Vennligst se oversikt, arkiv og prosedyre for abonnement nedenfor.

The Embassy of Japan in Norway and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan issues newsletters and e-zines on a regular basis. For an overview, back issues and subscription procedure, please see below.

News from Japan

Nyhetsbrev om Japans utenrikspolitikk. Oppdateringene er på norsk eller engelsk, avhengig av sak.

WE - What's on at the Embassy

Facsimile: WE - 23 March 2015
The Embassy of Japan's newsletter and mailing list for announcements since 2008. In English.

We Are Tomodachi

Facsimile: We Are Tomodachi - Autumn 2015
Multilingual quarterly e-zine from the Ministry of Affairs of Japan, bringing readers' attention to Japanese topics of possible interest: sightseeing opportunities, culinary discoveries, advances in medical care, and messages from our prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

Highlighting JAPAN

Facsimile: Highlighting JAPAN - Sept. 2015

Topical e-zine published once a month by the Japanese Government to help readers better understand Japan today.

niponica / にぽにか

Facsimile: niponica / にぽにか - no. 15, 2015

Multilingual e-zine with pop culture, culture features and travel advice.

JAPAN Monthly

Facsimile: JAPAN Monthly - Sept. 2015

Japan National Travel Organization's monthly web magazine

NIPPONIA / にっぽにあ

NIPPONIA / にっぽにあ - no. 46, 2008

This now discontinued topical e-zine has a tried-and-true multilingual archive useful for intermediate and advanced learners of the Japanese language, in addition to presenting interesting articles on Japanese society and culture.

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